Girls around the world face gender discrimination just for being born a daughter and not a son. A girl’s education is less likely to be valued, and she’s more likely to be forced into early marriage, face violence or be stolen by traffickers. Her childhood cut short her very life and puts her future at risk.
Due to high poverty rates, girls are usually expected to work as a way to increase the family’s income. In most rural areas, local traditions dictate that girls can be married in exchange for a sum of money given to the daughter’s family as payment. Uneducated girls are highly susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases as well as other health complications. Health issues put girls at a risk of not continuing their education.
We recognise the importance of education for girls and work towards ensuring that every Girl has access to education and a better future. Through our members in different parts of the country, we are seeing more girls receive information about the benefits of education and the dangers related to early marriages.
When we educate girls, we educate a whole nation. Because she will teach everyone around her. The education of girls will result in a better economy and a brighter future along with enhanced confidence and self-esteem.
We are looking for partners to support us on this journey of empowering girls and ensuring that they can access quality education. These can be individual sponsors or donors that support education programs. Join the campaign to Keep girls in school and end Child marriage once and for all. With your help, we can educate girls who may not otherwise have the chance to learn — changing the course of their lives, their children’s lives and the future of their communities.
Educating girls would see a reduction in child marriage and births. It would also greatly improve the standard of living across Uganda and reduce poverty rates. Educated women are more likely to invest back into their families. Roughly 90% of an income will usually go back to the family.
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