Raising Teenagers Uganda is working in partnership with other civil society organisations and governments to improve and expand sexual health services that respond to the needs of young people especially in relation to menstrual health and hygiene for adolescent Girls and ensuring access to education and daily attendance for Girls. It has been widely noted that many young girls miss or drop out of school when they start their periods and this needs to stop.
Menstruation is a normal and natural part of human life and should be treated as such. RTU works directly with parents, caregivers and the community leaders to create an enabling environment for young people to realise their sexual and reproductive health and rights. Accessing information about the relationship between pregnancy and menstruation is very important for young girls. That way they can make informed decisions and choices that will not compromise their dreams and aspirations in Life.
Their work includes encouraging dialogue and supporting families and communities to provide positive guidance to young people about their sexual and reproductive health and rights, including accessing services. This is one major of reducing cases of Teenage pregnancy and Child Marriage.
Have you told your daughter that once is starts getting her periods, she can become pregnant if she engages in sexual activities with men?
When children and young people are informed about sexual and reproductive health and rights they are equipped with the knowledge, confidence and skills to make autonomous and healthy decisions about their bodies and relationships.
Supporting young people to identify problems, solutions and advocate for change in their own communities ensures meaningful, sustainable and access to services. Not only this but they are investing in and increasing the leadership skills of young people and helping them to claim their voice in all areas of their lives. Our young people are also helping to plug the gaps. They are trained to deliver Sexual and Reproductive health education to fellow young people through peer to peer learning.

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