The teenage years are a critical period of growth and self-discovery. It’s a time when young individuals navigate the path between childhood and adulthood and making tough decisions becomes an integral part of their lives.

Power is a fundamental concept in empowerment. For adolescents to make increasingly complex decisions about their lives and to influence matters that concern them, they must journey from a place of less power and fewer assets to a place of greater power and more assets. Its important that we create opportunities for young people to not only speak but also be heard.

Our member Dream Teens Uganda have committed their efforts to bring opportunities to young people and ensure that they have a chance to speak and the heard. During the Central Region Girl Summit in Buikwe, they brought young people and gave them the opportunity to share their experiences and challenges so that all the stake holder around can clearly understand and design programs that can directly impact teenagers.

To be empowered, adolescents must have their human rights realized, with equitable and inclusive access to human, social, productive, and developmental resources and opportunities. It is important to note, however, that people cannot simply ‘transfer’ or ‘give’ power to adolescents; only adolescents can truly empower themselves, while others support, enable and protect this journey.

Let Girls Be Girls: Lets support young people and give the assurance they need to achieve all their dreams in Life.

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