Every month, millions of adolescent girls around the world face a miserable cycle of pain, discomfort, shame, anxiety, and isolation when their menstrual period arrives. It even becomes worse when some girls can not easily access sanitary products to manage their periods with ease.
The absence of sanitary products, coupled with the shame and fear of exposing their menstruation, mean that many adolescent girls are forced to miss school during their period; consequently, in many rural resource-poor settings, adolescent girls who are already disadvantaged by social norms miss a quarter of their education opportunities.
Menstruation is a normal and regular event in every healthy adolescent girl’s life. Yet drastic changes are needed to encourage positive social norms and ultimately enact behavioural change. Adolescent girls need the support of their governments to provide adequate infrastructure, access to affordable sanitary products, and gender equity for them to manage their periods. We applaud the increasing efforts worldwide to empower, educate, and engage country leaders, communities, families, and adolescent girls and boys about menstruation, and to highlight the right of women and girls to hygienically manage their periods.
Partnering with Companies that produce menstrual products has enabled us to acquire sanitary pads that we later give out to underprivileged girls in rural Uganda. We appreciate HEALTH SHUYA for walking this journey with us as Partner and supporter.
Together we can End the stigma associated with Menstruation and support millions of Girls to stay in school until they complete their education because Education is the greatest investment.

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