We all know that women with even a few years of primary education have better economic prospects, have fewer and healthier children, and are more likely to ensure that their own children go to school. We could certainly speed up development if we kept girls in school to complete a quality secondary education.
Education of girls is one of the most powerful tools for women’s empowerment, but still discrimination keeps girls out of school. UN reports tell us that: In 2007, only 53 of the 171 countries with available data had achieved gender parity in both primary and secondary education. That means that girls are missing out – particularly when they live in rural areas and in poor households.
Adolescence is a critical turning point for girls. If their education continues to secondary level, they will be better equipped to make informed choices about their lives. Cultural attitudes and practices that promote early marriage, encourage the seclusion of young girls or attach greater value to educating boys rather than girls create formidable barriers for girls’ education. Too often, girls are married young, or they are taken out of school to care for their brothers and sisters or to work to support themselves and their families.
In partnership with Uganda Students Association and other members, we are fronting the campaign to Keep Girls in school especially after seeing the drastic number of school dropouts during the Covid19 Lockdown. We are standing in solidarity to ensure that the underprivileged girls have access to Education and are in position to realize their dreams in future.
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