Let’s shine a Spotlight on Hope Nankunda, The Team Leader at Raising Teenagers Uganda. Over the Years she has walk a Journey with the Children in Nakulabye Slums, spreading Love and kindness through different programs including education through the community library which has given young people an opportunity to learn how to read and looking at the difference we have made gives me Joy and a great Hope for a beautiful future. 

At Children Reachout Uganda, I have supported a number of programs but most importantly the Community Library where We not only donated Reading Books but also meaningfully participate in the annual Reading Camps. The Camps brings together Children of all ages and its always amazing to listen to them read different books. “Reading is essential for those who seek to rise above the ordinary”- Jim Rohn

She has had a number of sessions with the Adolescent Girls and shared important information about their well-being, the dangers associated with Child Marriage, the different ways to report cases of sexual abuse and exploitation, Menstrual Health and Hygiene management as well as the benefits of staying in school and completing their education. Watching them grow into fine ladies and able to give back to community is such a great milestone. Thank you all that have been part of these Children’s lives. 


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